JDBC drivers files must be installed and accessible.Java wrapper class files must be installed and accessible.
The search “ sql server odbc driver download” returns the following link which contains all information needed to install the ODBC drivers for SQL Server (Windows, Linux and macOS).įollow the installation instructions of the ODBC driver provider. EXAMPLE – Install SQL Server ODBC driversįind the drivers for your OS. If you need to connect to multiple foreign databases you need to install a driver for each DBMS. Each DBMS needs its own ODBC driver installation. At this stage you have to decide to which foreign database you want to connect. There is no INSTALL THEM ALL solution that lets you connect to whatever foreign database. > Read more than you need to know about the CONNECT ODBC table type… ODBC drivers need to be installed on the server that runs your WPDB or remote MariaDB instance! Full OS admin privileges are required on the server running your MariaDB instance.NOTE I was not able to connect via ODBC and JDBC on CentOS 8. It took me a lot of time to get this working on both, Linux and Windows. The JDBC installation was much more of a headache, with a Java SDK that was not able to find the necessary resources. Personally I found the ODBC installation very simple on both, Linux and Windows. Whether you want to use ODBC or JDBC is up to you. With the CONNECT storage engine installed, connections to foreign DBMS can be established using ODBC and JDBC. MySQL does not support the CONNECT storage engine.Use a remote MariaDB to connect to ODBC | JDBC if your WordPress server is running on MySQL. The CONNECT storage engine is only available for MariaDB. The MariaDB CONNECT storage engine installation requires SUPER privileges!

MariaDB > install CONNECT storage engine.Uses ODBC or JDBC connection between remote MariaDB and Microsoft SQL Server Prerequisites Uses ODBC or JDBC connection between WPDB MariaDB and Microsoft SQL Server Setup running WordPress on MySQL This feature allows you to connect to SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and other DBMS from your WordPress dashboard which enables plugins users to use the Data Publisher, Data Projects and other WP Data Access tools with foreign databases. Servers running WordPress on MySQL can use a remote MariaDB connection. WP Data Acces supports remote database connections through ODBC and JDBC for WordPress installations running on MariaDB.